“وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا”
“My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”
( Quran, 20:114 )
Our Educational Programs 2024-2025
Tarbiyah Islamiya - TARIC'S flagship family halaqa
The Tarbiya Halaqa’s in-person Fall Course will discuss “Faith & Certainty (Part 1)” - examining the six core beliefs that serve as the foundation of our faith. Mastering these pillars isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s an ongoing process of deepening your faith, strengthening your connection to Allaah, and unlocking a path to spiritual awakening, in shaa Allaah.
Khatmul Quran Du'a
Completing the Qur’aan is a significant moment for a devout Muslim. It implies not only achieving a spiritual goal but also embodies a profound connection to Allaah’s final revelation. To mark this pivotal weekly event, the TARIC Islamic Centre has a special “Khatmul Qur’aan Du’a” program via Zoom, which is preceded by a short halaqa - The Power of Self-Control. This program resumes after the summer break with Khatmul Qur’aan number 307, in shaa Allaah.
TARIC Islamic Sunday School (TISS) 2024-2025
Alhamdulillah, our new Sunday school year will begin on September 22nd, 2024 in shā Allah!
To become a student at the TARIC Islamic Sunday School, you must complete a three-step process: SIGN-UP, INTERVIEW, and REGISTER.... -
Qur'aan Halaqa (Memorization class) 2024-2025
Please register now and wait for acceptance email !
Note: Limited spaces available