Youth Program
- To bring the youths back to the Masjid.
- To build their Islamic personalities and firmly establish their Islamic identity in this society.
- To increase their Islamic knowledge and strengthen their Eman.
- To make new Muslim friends, socialize and reinforce each other’s beliefs.
- To develop leadership and the spirit of teamwork.
- To accept responsibility and actively participate in TARIC programs and become our future leaders.
- To provide a halal activity for teens on a regular weekly basis at the Mosque.
- To foster caring, sharing and socializing.
The Target:
All youths in the GTA, Sisters and Brothers, ages 14-21.
TARIC Youth Committee:
Arif Assim, Imam Imran Ally Abu Musa.
The Venue:
TARIC Islamic Centre, plus some outdoor events.
Date and Time:
Every Friday 7PM-9PM, except the third Friday of each month (Dawa Night)
The Program:
- 30 minutes of an informal talk on current youth problems with an emphasis on questions and answers in a workshop mode.
- 60 minutes of sports in the gymnasium-basketball, hockey, soccer, volleyball, badminton, etc.
- Sisters and Brothers will alternate in the use of the gymnasium or divide it for simultaneous use.
Future Plans:
- Develop a competitive sport program with a basketball, volleyball, and soccer teams competing with other Mosques.
- Plan a weekend camp in summer and winter.
- Exchange visits with other Mosques.
- Hikes in the summer.
Two youth seminars will be planned per year.
Our youths are our jewels, our future to preserve our Islam. TARIC aims to develop good programs to help them fulfill their roles as the leaders of tomorrow. The benefit is tremendous.